2023 Festival of Birds
Welcome to the 26th annual Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds! Whether you’re a beginner or experienced birder, or somewhere in between, the Festival of Birds has something for you! You’re invited to join us May 18-20, 2023. Detroit Lakes is located in a unique transition of three biomes – tallgrass prairie, hardwood and conifer forests – with a landscape peppered with lakes and wetlands. The Detroit Lakes area is a migration hotspot with more than 250 species of birds! Our festival goal is to provide you with a quality birding experience.
REGISTER EARLY: A Vortex binoculars will be given to one of those registering by May 5. Register for the festival by 9:00 am (CST) Monday, May 15, 2023. Cancellations must be made by 4:00 pm on May 12, with the registration event fee of $10.00 (one day) or $15.00 (multiple days) non-refundable. To receive updates on the festival, please include your e-mail address; we do not share your address with outside parties. See information on Detroit Lakes’ lodging and dining options while in the area for birding.

REGISTRATION: Pick up your welcome packets and register for any events with openings Wednesday-Friday, May 17-19 from 9:00 am-5:00 pm at the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce office at 700 Summit Avenue. Also register 5:15 am-5:30 am Saturday morning at M State College’s western parking lot, and noon-3:00 pm Saturday at M State College.
FIELD TRIP NOTES: Field trips will be guided by field trip leaders and a naturalist. Drive to the refuge location in your vehicle on Friday, May 19. Field trips on Saturday, May 20 are by motorcoach bus from the M State College parking lot. Find festival details on the Festival of Birds web page. Spring temperatures may vary from 70’s to 30’s, so bring layered clothing and waterproof footwear/outerwear. No field trips will be cancelled unless weather is severe. No refunds will be issued for cancelled field trips, or for speakers who are unable to deliver their presentation due to an emergency. Please read the field trip descriptions to find those most suitable for your mobility. Maps will be available at the Chamber office for field trip and evening presentation locations as well as birding hotspots.