Art In The Park- 2025
It’s not your typical Art in the Park, however at Detroit Lakes it’s a perfect blend. The annual event is held in the City Park next to the City Beach. In 2025, Art in the Park is Sunday, July 27. Booths are set up under the shady trees in the park. You’ll find treasures of all sorts – from jewelry and pottery to furniture and fabric goods.
If you have handcrafted items you’d like to add to the fun array of booths, fill out the artist application form and ST19 form. For questions, contact Sandy at the Detroit Lakes Chamber, 218.847.9202 or dlChamber@VisitDetroitLakes.com.
Absorb the smell – the sweet mingle of water, woods and food at Detroit Lakes Art in the Park. Rest with your treasures at a shady picnic table and enjoy lunch from Oof da Tacos, pulled pork, mini-donuts and kettle korn. Let the kids play on the swings in the nearby Detroit Lakes City Park.
It’s the heart of summer. Come to the lakes. Soothe your soul. Feast on our art.